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HERE COMES MARCH Posted by Rob Sherwood Thursday, 2009-February-26 23:20 Well, I wasted February didn't I? With the help of a miscreant computer for an excuse, I managed not to do anything. The good news, however, is that my computers are working, virus free, thanks to a total re-install. More good news is that I am a backer-upper and my loss of data was minimal. Actually, I didn't lose a thing. So now I'm going to spend the day catching up and see if I can come with some March Surprises. DISASTER STRIKES! Posted by Rob Sherwood Thursday, 2009-February-12 13:07 Well, as a friend said, "If you wouldn't surf to those kinky sites, you wouldn't get into trouble." YadaYadaYada! I got a virus! I knew my computer had been attacked almost before it happened. My esteemed webmaster did some research and it is a known virus and a real pisser! After screwing around with things for a while the upshot is that when windows turns on...the virus turns it off. Solution....a data wipe and re-install. Fortunately I didn't loose much stuff since I back-up and store most everything on external drives. While I wait for the fix-up I have resuscitated my old Compaq and here I am. Haven't used it in three years and just installing the Windows Updates last night took almost 2 hours. There were 38 of them. I'm traveling this week-end and won't be back until Tuesday....in the meantime....stay away from Lactatingmidgetsluts.com Rob The Story Continues Posted by Rob Sherwood Monday, 2009-February-02 10:03 Over on the main site at Find it Here the story continues with some more of my first stretch in Modesto, California. I am already working on the next chapter. I've gotten some great email from old friends/fans and this week I HAVE to answer some of them. It was great to hear from Captain Billy last month and when I checked this morning Bob Brokeman...Sales Manager at U100....dropped me a comment-line. As usual he reminded me of stories and people whose names I've forgotten. I'll tuck those away for a some-day update. Since I'm here a couple of quick comments! Defiance....good movie. Would have loved to have someone to talk to after I saw it because it prompted a bunch of deep thoughts.....Taken...going to it today and my brother reports....excellent. Even though politically it wasn't my cup of tea, Nixon & Frost was really good....you have to admire Opie! I've seen some others that I liked but save for later. Good game yesterday but for most of that game the Vikes could have played just as well as the Cards. My opinion! Politically, I am quite enjoying the current 'season'. What a bunch of maroons! ...and that includes the lily-livered, pusillanimous, so-called Republicans who would benefit by growing a pair! Of course Olympia Snow being one of them the preceding doesn't necessary apply... I'm rambling and I have shower, fluff and douche and get going. Will someone please tell me when the last bit of snow melts. I'm not going near Minnesota until I hear it is all gone! Previous page | Next page
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