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Breaking Records!
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Saturday, 2008-February-23 • 11:43
It will probably be weeks before anyone finds this blog. After weeks of checking and finding nothing, the few who are regularly with me get out of the habit and I will whistle in the wind for a while.

January was a record breaking month with 11 blogs and February is the current record holder with only one. This one. Notice though, that last November was scant also. When I travel my contact with the computer gets compromised by other pursuits.

Actually, I have lots to talk about....many things to rant about....and much catch up to accomplish. At the moment though, I shall bask in the beautiful weather (in the 20's!) and go see a movie. If I am really feeling wild and craaazeee I'll stop at WalMart and browse the cheap DVD bin.

Time to get busy, right?

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