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Cable Problems!!! Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Friday, 2008-October-03 • 14:37
I once wrote that I seriously considered leaving my life as a broadcaster and moving to India and working with Mother Theresa...until I found out she didn't have cable.

One of the first times I quit smoking came about when I realized that cigarettes were my 2nd highest monthly out-lay. (And that was when cigs cost about $2 a pack) Now, the cost of my cable...television and internet....in two locations easily takes second place beating out food and sex toys.

Let me just state without fear of contradiction...DVR will change your life. When the cable doesn't work properly, life is tough.

In Minnesota I have great service...when it works...but I have been subject to technological problems to the extent that I have the 'assistance number' on speed dial. Without boring you any more than I already am, my cable is acting up. It isn't totally out. In fact it isn't even 90% out. It is that pesky 10 percent away from perfection that caused me to send an SOS and tomorrow between 10am - 12noon my rescue will arrive. Until then, I shall pout and eat cookies and milk.....btw....I liked the movie Eagle Eye....even if the critics did not. I was going to go to another movie this afternoon but my cable situation had me too depressed....later...R
  1. kjbarta wrote on 2008-October-03 15:58:23:
    Hi Rob, still waiting for book chapters...:) Karen
  2. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2008-October-03 17:34:25:
    Karen..I swear that every night I go to sleep thinking that 'tomorrow' I will write the next My Story Chapter....and the next morning something comes along to switch me onto another track.

    Today, without planning to, I spent several hours IM'ing with people in Brazil, Spain, Great Britain, Australia, and Canada. YaK! YaK! YaK! Talked a lot of politics too...

    Joe Biden has been making me laugh for years. Of course it was the hair plugs that started it. If I went bald I would be first in line for hair transplants but if they turned out like something off a landscaping show on DYI, I'd sue. And somehow I just do not believe that Joe hangs out at Home Depot. ("Can you direct me to the Astro Turf?") Gov. Palin talks like someone from Hibbing and somehow I can imagine her picking out kitchen tile at HD.

    There is a good chance that Sen. Biden will be the next VP and he can get botox with his executive discount. If he is I promise not to drop any of my liberal friends. "Stand up Chuck!" What a maroon!
  3. MBiolo wrote on 2008-October-03 19:07:56:

    As for the My Story chapters, me too!! Eagerly awaiting the continuation of the Modesto saga and what follows from there. (Personally I thought the Green Bay chapter could have been longer but I'm a homey.) You are so right about Lyle Evans. He was indeed a character. In fact Lyle was many things. A good GM was not one of them. He was good to me though and I had a ball puttin' on the hits at "The Big Boss Music Box, WLOT".

    And Al Knight. Now there's a character. That guy had more dead air than a cemetary. It was downright painful to listen to "All night with Al Knight". You were very wise not to partake in his lady friend offerings. Probably saved you countless dollars in trips to the doctor for penicillin. I remember him as being quite hard of hearing. (Maybe that was the problem - he couldn't hear the cue speaker. But that doesn't explain why he couldn't open a mic or start a cart . . .) He used to plug his headset into an old home built Heathkit amp which was then plugged into the venerable Gates board. The Heathkit was a vacuum tube model that got nice and toasty within a few seconds of being powered up. Bright boy that he was, Al would stack carts on top of the amp and wonder why they melted. Didn't he live at the YMCA?

    Tell you the truth I don't remember much about the chief engineer. I recall him as being rather surly and occasionally appearing under the influence of the real mountain dew. (Remember when bottles of the soft drink Mountain Dew were a dime from the pop machine in the sales manager's officer?) Other than that I'm drawing a blank.

    I do remember Tom Hoppe having a Bible in the control room. And he always had a busy shift with a full spot load. I don't think he ever answered the phone but still can you imagine reading the bible in morning drive? 'Course with the likes of us around there he probably saw it as his only chance to escape eternal damnation. I liked Tom. He was a good guy.

    And speaking of White Castles, when I was a resident in St. Louis I moonlighted as a firefighter in the Eureka Fire Protection District (Of the Central County Alarm District of St Louis County Fire. How's that for layering? "Marco the Chief wants to talk with you. Okay, which Chief would that be?") Anyway, our medic base for both House 1 and House 2 was St. John's Mercy so on nighttime ambulance runs the crews would stop at Whitecastle on the way back before putting the unit "in service in the district". The House 3 guys always looked forward to the "move up" call that would bring them to House 2 for only that reason. I had more than my fair share of those tasty little gut bombs so imagine my delight when I found a Whitecastle in St. Paul. The best part about St. Louis, though, is Ted Drew's Frozen Custard. My oh my oh my.

    The burger joints in Green Bay are Kroll's. Excellent burgers on their own special rolls. And they're are still around. At least one of them is. Right across from Lambeau Field.

    Now I'm hungry. Marco
  4. MBiolo wrote on 2008-October-03 19:13:49:

    Please don't scare me with that Joe Biden as VP shit. I tell you in all honesty that the very possibility that Barrack Obama could be the president of these United States sends me to the very brink of despair. I don't know what I'll do if I wake up on November 5 to president elect Obama. Pass the Prozac please.

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