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Fry Willie Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Wednesday, 2007-May-30 • 17:35
Another example of man interferring with nature. Whales in the Delta. Did those two whales get all the way to the delta or did they just hang around the Sacramento River? I don't know the answer because after seeing the swimming, breaching,and blowing a dozen times, I tuned out the story. Do I sound unsympathetic? I hear constantly about all the poor and hungry people in California and those whales would have made a whole crapload of taco meat. Sorry if that isn't P.C. I'll rephrase it: Those whales would have made a whole crapload of goulash.

First on my list of complaints (well-reasoned complaints): Why so much consternation about these whales? It isn't that it happens a lot. There must be thousands of fish who make the same mistake but because they are small and keep it to themselves, nobody cares. The animal 'rights' people didn't hesitate to wish for the death of the baby polar bear in Germany. Is size really THAT important? But most of all, I think our chickens have come home to roost, as my grandmother used to say. Actually, she said it in Swedish and we pointed at her, laughed like hell, told her to go back to Stockholm, gave her some herring and got back to Leave It To Beaver. ("Ward...you were pretty hard on the beaver last night!")

When I spent ALL my time in California, another hapless sea-mammal wandered into the San Francisco Bay, Sacramento River system and got 'lost'. This hapless spouter was actually looking for a gay bar in Stockton where they had less attitude than the ones in San Francisco. At some point, without the help of cable news, Humphrey (what were his parents thinking when they named a gay whale Humphrey?) finally was helped to find the Golden Gay..er Gate Bridge and made it back to the Pacific. And that is where that stupid whale spread his dumb genes into the Whale Pool and as my grandmother said, "God morgan. Taler du engelska?" Someone else said..the whales have come home to roost. Yes, Humphrey is probably the great-grandfather of a bunch of stupid whales, two of which we've heard about for the last week. And now, those whales have been helped back to the ocean to replicate themselves and damage the gene pool. Survival of the fitness be damned! Darwin is rolling over in his grave. And the poor eat bean tacos!

Don't take me too seriously (just a little). How can you have any respect for someone who likes Velveeta, Saltines & Peanut butter, and canned asparagus!

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