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Hey! I'm Not Dead Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Tuesday, 2011-October-18 • 13:28
I came onto the computer to finally get on track with this blog and mostly with MY STORY. I had every good intention of spending a few hours on the rough draft and completing it before the week-end. Before I began I actually looked at the list of email replies I owe to kind people who have written. I replied to 3 of them. There are 26 more to go. I'm tired. I'll try again tomorrow.

In the meantime, just talk among yourselves and make up any shit you want.
  1. MBiolo wrote on 2011-October-19 07:09:31:
    My Story?! It's about damn time.
  2. axmanzman wrote on 2011-October-29 06:51:35:
    Ten he came back from California and saw the carnage that was brought to the airwaves due to uneducated screaming morons playing cRAP music all day long. Repeating song after song, day after day. He took KDWB over kicked out the screamers, and brought back the good ol days of radio where the annoucers had PERSONALITIES and said funny thing instead of screaming till thier hernias burst. And once again radio was good.. WELL?!!! ya said make up anything.... sighhhhh back to my ipod....
  3. axmanzman wrote on 2011-October-29 06:55:25:
    note to self USE SPELLCHECK!!!!!
  4. dagrudt wrote on 2011-November-08 11:00:00:
    Rob I have been waiting for Chapter 29 for over year. Any ETA on the next chapter. Thanks. David from Long Beach, Ca
  5. cindic wrote on 2011-November-28 16:59:05:
    Rob is boycotting November.
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