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Chapter 25 Posted! Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Thursday, 2009-April-09 • 20:25
I am happy to write here that Chapter 25 is just a few clicks away. I invite you to check it out and drop me a line with your comments. Every performer needs some applause.

I don't have much else to right at the moment except...at some point last fall I wrote that I though Barack Obama was a tool. He's my President now and guess what?....He is still a tool!.

Sorry to offend my lib readers.
  1. funkykenny wrote on 2009-April-10 00:57:09:
    Alright, Now we're back in action. Please email me. I want to go over some stuff with you. In the words of my Dentist, Dr. Kenneth Lemings..HAPPY ETHER K&A
  2. MBiolo wrote on 2009-April-11 07:19:24:
    Thanks so much for a new chapter! It is terrific! And I was beginning to worry about ya.

    Ahhh, The City. I had the good fortune of living there not once but twice! First 1976-'79 then again 1987-'92. I had, of course, visited many times before and since (pretty much a couple of times a year at least these days) and you are so right - if you're not livin' there you are only a tourist. During my first tour as a San Franciscan I lived on Northpoint, not far from the Marina Green. (And within crawling distance of Paul's Saloon on Scott. Live bluegrass, peanuts literally served by the barrel with the shells on the floor, and plenty of 2 carbon compounds at the bar. Many of my friends at the time hung out in much trendier places like the Tar and Feathers in Cow Hollow but for me beer, peanuts and bluegrass were sustenance.) My second tour quarters were on YBI. I can only recall riding the BART a couple of times but I did avail myself of Muni's many offerings - cable cars, trolleys, buses on many occasions. Of Course Ess Eff is a great place to just walk!

    Though I loved living there I could never buy off on the politics, even then. The venerable Herb Caen, who, I think, wrote his newspaper column from the Washington Square Bar & Grill, used to call the Board of Supervisors the "Board of Stupidvisors". How right he was, God rest his soul.

    20/20 news. We were doing that at WLOT early on because, naturally, that's the way it was done at the Big Eight. And were were going to be the next CKLW no matter what. Especially no matter that were in a market a veritable fraction of the size of the Detroit/Windsor market. And no matter that our news department was all of two guys and a part timer or two. But what the hell did I care? I was on the radio! I always thought WDUZ sounded good as an ABC affiliate with "news live at :55" (or more correctly, :54:30 as I recall) but the competition then was CBS (WBAY) and NBC (WJPG) and how old and dowdy did they sound?!

    Can't wait to hear what happened when "the phone rang"! Keep the chapters, like the hits of yore, on comin'.


    P.S. A very Happy and Blessed Easter to you and yours!

    P.P.S. When I think of a tool, I think of an implement used to fix something. I'm afraid I see Obama and Pelosi more as weapons of mass destruction.
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