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Easter Week
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Wednesday, 2010-April-07 • 20:18
I have been lonesome for the past few days. I got used to having people around talking to me. Come to think about it, I got used to having people around to listen to me talk. (If you think I had stories in 1990, Moon, I've had 20 years to gather a whole bunch of new ones.) Most recently, I spent a happy week with family in Belle Plaine. My youngest G-nephew informed me he wants to be an actor when he grows up and the year older g-nephew has decided he wants to be professional gamer. With luck they will both be rich and will send me money for the Snickers machine in the old-folks home. Either way, the new choices are a step up for both of them. Before they were hot to work at Target and Famous Dave's. Speaking of Famous Dave's, my week back in Minnesota began on Monday with a Devil's Spit Burger at Famous Dave's. Usually I order the brisket...but I decided to cast caution to the curb. Wow! Best burger I've had in a long time. In order to be home for Easter, I caught a bus from Minneapolis on Easter Sunday morning. I thought it would be empty...I was wrong. Fifteen or so others were traveling north. When the bus reached North Branch, I was first in line for the Burger King potty. (My aim is all that good anyway, and in a moving bus it is disastrous.) I was tempted to do a double cheese, but by this time it was 1:15 and we were eating 10 minutes after I arrived at 2:25....I figured I could starve a little for an hour and ten minutes. Especially with the cinnamon roll and milk snack I bought to tide me over. My brother Tim made a great meal. By six I was really home, loaded with left-overs and by noon on Monday, was already bored. Or lonesome. Or bored AND lonesome. "Would you like some wine?" "Why yes I would." And so I'm back...from outer space. I just walked in to find me here with that sad look upon my face......
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