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Road Rage Rant Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Wednesday, 2007-September-12 • 21:04
Before I write ANYTHING, I will admit I am a 'grandpa' driver. I hate having to drive and wish I lived more regularly in cities where cars are not a necessity. In San Francisco most everyone rides mass transit. In the Twin Cities at least a cross-section of society rides buses and light rail. In Duluth the only people on the bus are teens, seniors, recent DWI's, and retarded people. I avoid the bus.

I have lived all over the place and EVERY area either brags at having the BEST drivers or the WORSE drivers. I guess it depends on what people find bragable. I know people in Northern Minnesota are proud of cold bad records and mosquitos. I have heard San Franciscans brag about the number of people they have seen defecating on the sidewalk. It's like Rochester, Minnesota. Sure it has some great hospitals but the place is full of sick people.

Anyway. When a driver does a dumb-ass move, why do they wave at you? That's my whole rant.

  1. mccarty13 wrote on 2007-September-13 05:05:51:
    September 13, 2007

    Well, perhaps I beter start from the beginning...

    My name is Brandon McCarty. Today is my 30th birthday. I used to intern at FM 104 KHOP during my summer vacations in 1989-1991. I would stand behind you during the morning show and put away the carts and made sure everyone had anything they needed during the breaks. I watched you drink your favorite peanuts and coke concoction and would think to myself, "This guy is inventive!" You made a huge, lasting impression on me and still continue to be an influence throughout my life. After you left FM 104 (and the death of radio began), the radio dial was void of any real talent. I continued through high school and dreamed of being a radio personality.

    After wasting time and money at the junior college with core courses, I delved into radio and acting (two of your loves, if i remember right). I landed the lead role in "Bus Stop" and I was hooked. Several plays and girlfriends later, I devoted more time to radio and got "hooked up" with an over-night board-op position at 104.1 The Hawk. What joy to find myself working at the 104 side of the radio! I took pleasure in making the reel to reel machine, with a canned DJ, blend with the music at the right second. I was truly happy. I was offered a job in the promotions department and I took on that role as well. Fun stuff, but hate sales reps...

    I found that writing commercials came easy to me, so I began another avenue. The whole time I was doing this, I would remember the scripts you wrote for your shows and the many voices you did during the magic of the morning show. I started voicing and producing as well. Thank you for the many characters you voiced. A huge impression, did you leave...

    Anyway, let's fast forward. Girlfriend got pregnant (I don't know how that happened...) and I had to find more work, as there was no money in radio at this point. Ended up at the junior college as a security officer, where I helped people on a daily basis. Got bored and joined the National Guard to become a broadcaster and wound up a journalist. Four years later, I am deployed to Djibouti, Africa on my birthday.

    I will be home soon and I will continue to work towards acting, radio and writing. You have no idea of how much I think about you and how many of my decisions in my life have been influenced by you. I will never forget you. I am still in Modesto CA with my wife Samantha and our children. Noah(8), Luke (5), Katie (1). I will continue to check this website for your hysterical look at life, people, the past and food.
  2. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2007-September-13 20:10:01:
    Brandon, my friend... I thank you for writing. I know I will suffer many thousands of years in purgatory for the influence I had on you. Ever so often I get a letter like yours and it not only makes my day, but makes my ..life!

    Those 'live-studio-audience' days were a lot of fun. Eventually I'll get to that part of My Story. I encourage you (and everyone else) to jump in on the blog anytime you like. My email works at rob@robsherwood.com too.

    It sounds like you have done lots of stuff. It's a good thing we aren't allowed to plan our lives in advance. Think of how boring things would be. Thanks again for your kind words and keep in touch.

    Best wishes....Rob

    PS: Happy Birthday!
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