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Oh, Well! Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Thursday, 2007-September-06 • 18:33
Didn't get to the fair and enough said about that. Television sucks and enough said about that. I can only go to so many movies. It seems like I go to them all and since my brother says there has never been a movie I didn't like, I guess you can just assume that I like it...gave it between zero and five stars and enough said about that.

I am a political junky. A difference between me an most of those I vehemently disagree with is: I can be friends with a liberal.

There is the big controversy about abortion and exactly when life begins...is it at conception, or birth, or when the fetus goes to first grade? No controversy with me. Life began (again) tonight with the return of regular-season football.

I have three audiences. 1. Before the Twin Cities people 2. Twin Cities people 3. West Coast People. There is also a sub-group of West Coast people, I call the San Francisco people. So, no matter what I write about I can count on boring 2/3's of the readers.

I keep getting mail from peeps asking if I know where so-and-so is? Sometimes I do. Most of the time, I don't. I figure over the years I worked with hundreds of people and I only remember 7 of them. Well, I'm exagerating. It's actually, only 4. Moon keeps sending me mail so I won't forget him. His mail usually starts with..."It's Moon. remember me?" Moon's job at FM104 was show producer and visiting me in psych wards. Anyway, I'll give him a plug. Moon's a singer and he has a show in Modesto at the Mustang. The Mustang is a gay-friendly bar. LOL. So, anyway...go see him.

Another Centralvallian I hear from is Kenny Roberts. He has been trying to figure out how to comment on my blogs for about 3 months. Funny, I worked with him at K093 and have known him for years and never knew he was retarded.

The only other semi-regular from those days is the evil Gary DeMaroney. Dick Cheney is more beloved that Gary DeMaroney. Gary came to California when I moved there and I loaded his stuff in my moving truck. I'll never forgive him for moving a shelf made of boards and bricks! Now, he has his own stations in Southern Cal and with luck is making enough money to cover his industrial-strength Rogaine bill.

Pretty lame isn't it? The rest are fans/friends! And with at least two of them, my mail goes into 'Junk'.

Well...if I haven't burned enough bridges.....

"...don't go changin'...try to please me..."

  1. cindic wrote on 2007-September-06 20:22:22:
    Hi Rob, I only get to be bored less 1/3 of the time. Sorry you didn't get to the fair. Cindi (Whoopie!) Twin Cities and West Coast person
  2. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2007-September-07 11:51:39:
    The Whoopee Woman is correct. There ARE some who have followed me from one era to another. What I worry about are the readers who are bored with all this 100% of the time because they never listened to me, don't know who I am, and have no idea why they are reading about me.
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