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Another Chapter Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Wednesday, 2009-April-29 • 20:16
You may be surprised to know there is another chapter for April...two in April!!!! I didn't get to do much spell-checking or editing in order to get it on. Hope you enjoy it. I've had a cold for three days and it just isn't going away. Wait! I can't add. Make that 5 days. Mainly a cough and sore throat. I was worried it was Swine Flu when the cough developed into an oink...but it was a false alarm. Later, I spent the afternoon rolling around in my own shit, but that was also a false alarm. I am pleased to report that I don't eat pork unless it contains nitrites so I feel I am safe. You don't get it from pig meat anyway. It's Cheney's fault anyway. Did anyone watch American Idol on Tuesday. I actually downloaded four of the five performances for my Ipod. I love those old standards. And Kris sang my all-time favorite 'standard' and certainly one of my top 10 every genre songs. I like it. I can't think of anything else to say. Have a good night...day....week...life.

  1. MBiolo wrote on 2009-April-30 17:24:52:

    Happy belated birthday! Just got back from the left coast so missed the big event, though I too celebrated your birthday with an Italian feast. Stuffed my face with gnocchi at Sodini's. I believe the rest of my meals were of the seagoing variety, though I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. I did, however, eat enough sourdough for both of us. Haven't checked out the new chapter but will do so now.
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