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Trains And Planes And Automobiles Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Monday, 2007-April-16 • 21:37
Lately I have been dreaming that a good friend of mine installed a FABULOUS model railroad in his basement. As one of my fine friends said, "Rob, you're queer for trains." In the dream, his model layout is big enough to ride. In other parts of the web-site I've written about other life-long obsessions. The movie The Way of All Flesh haunted me for 50 years until dear Moon scared up a source and satisfied that itch. I love to read, the soft breezes, scented with salt or pine (or in the case of San Francisco-urine), rifling the pages of my book. And now I have the time to do it.

And that all brings me to robsherwood.com and the NEW addition. A blog. OMG! Next thing I'll be talking on a cell-phone while grocery shopping and buying things at Starbucks! Wait! I already do those things. Now, I can die. Just as I was dragged, kicking and screaming, into cyberspace and my own website, a friend suggested a blog would let me post all the things I think about but never get around to getting on the site. I know at least 7 people who will read everything I blog. Maybe 7 people who will CLAIM they read everything, but I suspect at least 3 of them would not pass a quiz. I'm not sure another one can actually read, so that leaves 2. Did I ever mention I failed math in the 11th grade?

If you think my life has been banal and trivial, you will be surprised to find out you've been right all along. And now, I get to share it all. Is it possible for one's ego to be any larger? There are actually some interesting things coming up. I'm going to England for the wedding of a good friends younger son. They've been shacking up for 5 years so I guess the honeymoon won't have any surprises. I wish it were possible to get there without taking an airplane but it's asking a lot for AMTRAK to just get me to California. My history with cars is checkered and I don't get excited about them. I hate driving. Maybe I'd feel better about it if I were driving a Bently.

Finally, the question of blogging replies. I just don't have the dedication to 'police' things BUT...if you don't mind the delay you can and may email and I will happily post your comments. You may even remain anonymous or use a clever sobriquet. I leave you with my favorite movie (Strangers On A Train) and my favorite current TV show (The Office). I put those in because I was actually asked about both topics in an email. Catch you all next time.
"....whimpering, simpering child again..."
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